Global Consonances I     Saturday Afternoon      
September 16      noon to 6:00 PM      Custom House Plaza

With roots firmly planted in Nordic folk music, Garmarna (gar'-mana) creates their own sound, influenced by the rock tradition they've all grown up with. They ignore the unwritten laws of how traditional music should be performed; they know no boundaries. Garmarna brilliantly fuses the ancient with the modern, traditional with rock, the transcendent with the subterranean. Vocalist Emma Hardelin is sure to earn international recognition as one of the most compelling female voices on the planet. She delivers Swedish medieval songs about evil spells, deceit and violence with sweet, sensuous seduction. The rest of the band rise to the task of providing real substance behind The Voice. Recent projects include adaptations of songs by Hildegard Von Bingen, the 12th century German mystic, artist and composer of some of the most spiritually moving music of any time or culture.
" … potent and beautiful: Garmarna proves the frozen tundra is more fertile than we think."   -Fortune Magazine

" Emma Hardelin's unclouded voice is the center of Garmarna's sonic storm. "   -Request Magazine, "Great Unknowns"

Gamen (Vulture)   (4:01  Lo-Fi mp3 format- 490 kilobytes)

Euchari (Eucharius)   (5:03  Lo-Fi mp3 format- 742 kilobytes)
A Program of the
Cultural Council for Monterey County
Sunset Center, Room 5, San Carlos at Ninth
Post Office Box 7495, Carmel, CA 93921

Phone (831) 622-9060 - Fax (831) 622-9061